Unmatched reliability
Source: #1 rank in “PV Module Durability Initiative Public Report,” Fraunhofer ISE, Feb 2013. Five out of the top 8 largest manufacturers were tested. Campeau, Z. et al. “SunPower Warranty Review, Feb 2013.
SunPower’s warranty guarantees the most power.
Source: Compared with the top 15 manufacturers. SunPower Warranty Review, Feb 2013.
SunPower panels average only 0.25% power loss per year over the first 25 years.
Source: Jordan, Dirk “SunPower Test Report,” NREL, Q4-2014; Campeau, Z. et al. “SunPower Module Degradation Rate,” SunPower white paper, Feb 2013.
One out of every 20,000 panels has been returned under warranty.
Source: Hasselbrink, E., et al. “Validation of the PVLife Model Against 3 Million Module-Years of Live Site Data.” 39th IEEE PVSC, Tampa, Florida, 2013.
SunPower predicts its panels will have a useful life of more than 40 years.
Source: “SunPower Module 40 Year Useful Life” SunPower white paper. Feb 2013. Useful life is 99 out of 100 panels operating at more than 70% of rated power.
SunPower panels ranked #1 in Fraunhofer durability testing.
Source: Ferrara, C., et al. “Fraunhofer PV Durability Initiative for Solar Modules: Part 2”. Photovoltaics International, 77–85. 2014. Five out of the top 8 largest silicon solar panel manufacturers were tested for the 2013 report. Three additional silicon solar panels were tested for the 2014 report.
SunPower Utility-scale power plants with onsite O&M staff, deliver more than 99% availability.
Source: BEW/DNV Engineering, “Availability Evaluation Report,” Jan 2013. Requires on-site O&M staff.